Monthly Archives: April 2012

Breakfast and weigh-in

Weight: 183.5 lbs

Total weight lost: 4 lbs

Breakfast: Nutri-grain bar and black tea.

I know that I should probably eat more for breakfast, but I hate breakfast. I’m never hungry for it and it makes me feel sick. Something is better than nothing.

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New goal: Try a new workout once a week until something sticks

One of the things that contributed to my weight gain is the simple fact that I never workout. Ever. I’m really lazy.

I haven’t always been lazy. I grew up dancing and swimming competitively. The problem is that I’m a graduate student, so I don’t have the money for dance lessons and I don’t have a lap pool. I’ve tried running and, let’s be honest, it fucking sucks. I feel like I’m dying the entire time and then I never want to workout again.

I’ve also tried P90X. I saw results, but I hated every single second of it. Except the yoga video. I love the yoga video.

I saw this list of fun ways to workout. Most of them would require money, which sucks. Maybe I’ll find ways around them. Or maybe I can just make fitness a priority and set aside money to invest in myself. If I can manage to scrape together that much.

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Back again.

Okay, so I got side-tracked. I’m back on this again.

We’re moving in August and I don’t want to be overweight when we move to a new city. It’s just not going to work for me. I want to feel confident, like my old self. I’m not quitting this time.

Current weight: 183 lbs

I was okay today.

Lunch: Veggie delite sandwich from Subway. I got the baked BBQ chips with it. Probably could have done without them.

Dinner: Roasted beets with a side of beet greens.

Everything was going so well! And then happy hour happened.

Happy hour: Two Texas teas (god only knows how many calories), some chips and queso, and a brownie.

I’ve started using Lose It. I’m only 70 calories over my daily allowance if I want to lose 2 lbs a week. Not so bad.

I’m going to Vegas this weekend though, so good luck trying to balance things out then.